3 min. readlast update: 12.12.2023

Here's some common questions and answers.

I'm not receiving my sign in email, where is it? - Odds are that it's stuck in your spam filter, check there or try to resend the email. If it's not coming through then tell your IT person to whitelist the email info@getphil.app

My sign in button didn't work - Make sure you are opening the link on the same device you requested it from. ex. if you are trying to sign in on your computer, you must request the link from the same computer, then press the button in your computer's email app. You can't request a link from your computer, then open it on a different device.

I can't see any other users or listings at my company - Do you all have matching email addresses? if you don't all have the same email domain (yourname@emaildomain.com) then you will need to manually invite users.

I want to find a specific material on the map, how do I do that? - You are able to filter on the map by material type and by listing type. Go to the map screen, and at the top select material type. Select all of the materials you are looking to view the listings for. You will then only see listings related to those materials selected.

I can't find what I am looking for on the map... what do I do? - If you can't find what you need on the map...make your own listing! There are 3 types of listings you can create, an Import listing, Export listing, or a Facility listing.

My new project site doesn't have a real address. Can I still create a listing? - Yes! You can drop a pin for the address. We know that sometimes your project site doesn't have a formal address yet, or sometimes you want to direct people to a different area on site. To read more about this, check out our listing help page.

How long will the app be free? - There will always be a free option. We do need to keep the lights on so we're going to make the app ad supported with an option to remove the ads. We we also have promoted listings once there's a demand there.

Are you worried about old school dirt brokers coming after you? - Not really, we basically built them the greatest sales tool they've ever had. We're turning a black market into a grey market. Phil works well for everyone, including dirt pimps. 

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