Facility listings are permanent business locations that import or export materials on a daily basis.
I see my facility listing on the app already! How do I claim it? It's easy. Create a Phil account using your work email address. If the email address domain matches your companies website domain, all your facility listings will be claimed automatically.
Creating a new facility listing
- On the map click on the green + icon
- From the "Choose a listing type" drop down menu, select facility listing
- Enter in the address of your facility or find the location by zooming into the map and dropping a pin
- Add a photo and all the reqquired information
- Once filled, select "Continue". You will see a confirmation page that your listing has been created. You will be returned to the map screen.
- You can also find your listing on the Home screen
NEW! You can add complimentary live chat to your facility, just press the "In-app chat contact" button and assign a user from your company to recieve chat messages for this location. Make sure they have the app installed on their device to recieve push notifications.
We have a wide range of permanent facility listings on the app to explore.
Some of the facility listing types include:
- Pits/Quarries
- Stone Depots
- Topsoil Depots
- Landscape Depots
- Salt Depots
- Garden Centres
- Concrete Plants
- Asphalt Plants
- Permitted Fill Sites
- Contaminated Permitted Fill Sites
- Liquid Waste Facilities
- Landfills
- Transfer stations
- Scrap metal yards