Complete a Haul

2 min. readlast update: 01.02.2023

When you create a haul, you include the number of loads required to finish the job. You can add or remove loads, or mark the haul complete.


To complete a haul:

If you have a haul thats finished it's total load amount, you can mark it as complete. 

  1. Open the haul details screen for that haul
  2. Press the "Complete" button
  3. If you are sure, press "Yes, all done" 
  4. Your haul is now complete

To complete a haul EARLY:

If you have a haul thats finished but you didnt reach the total haul amount, you can mark it as complete. 

  1. Open the haul details screen for that haul
  2. Press the three dots in the upper left of the screen
  3. Choose "Complete haul"
  4. If you are sure, press "Yes, all done"
  5. Your haul is now complete

Add or remove loads on a haul:

  1. Ensure you have confirmed this change with the other user! They will be alerted to the change.
  2. Open the haul details screen for that haul
  3. If the haul is complete; press the button marked "Add loads". If the haul is active; press the three dots in the top right and choose "Edit haul"
  4. Update the total amount of loads on the edit screen
  5. Press "Continue"
  6. Your site has been edited to add more loads and the counterparty will be sent an email notification

Restart a completed haul

You can restart a haul and add more loads or change the tipping fee. This is a great time saver if you want to send a few more trucks or haul with the same 2 sites, materials, and details. 

  1. Open the haul details screen, it may be under the inactive sites tab
  2. Press the large blue "Restart haul" button in the middle of the screen
  3. Modify the Loads, Fees, or On-site Contact info
  4. Press "Restart Haul" button
  5. Your haul is back!

Next: Sending a Load

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