Accepting a Haul Invite

1 min. readlast update: 11.20.2023

If you'd rather not read, this content is covered in the video below:

Did you receive an email invite asking you to join a haul? Here's how to accept.

  1. To accept an invite, open the Phil app or click the button in the email invite. NOTE: Only the admin who received the haul invite can accept it.
  2. Haul invites will be shown on the load tracking screen, press the little truck at the bottom 
  3. Select the invite and you will be asked to confirm all haul details 
  4. Press 'accept invite' button to proceed

Now both sites are connected and ready to haul!

Why did my material type or grade change after I accepted the haul? We use the exporter's material information as the source of truth, speak with them about adjusting the materials if needed.
Can I rename a haul? Just click the pencil icon next to the haul name.

Next: Haul sharing

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