Security Policy

4 min. readlast update: 07.18.2024

In this document we will refer to the corporation ‘Get Phil Inc.’ as ‘Phil’ for brevity.

1. Introduction


The purpose of this security policy is to establish a culture of security and trust within Phil, ensuring the protection of all company and client data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.


This policy applies to all information technology systems, data, network devices, software applications, operating environments, and physical locations owned or operated by Phil.


This policy is applicable to all Phil employees, contractors, and third-party service providers with access to Phil systems and data.

2. Policy Overview


The primary goals of this security policy are to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data; to ensure business continuity; and to comply with legal and regulatory obligations.

Guiding Principles:  

Phil commits to maintaining the highest standards of information security, regular security assessments, adherence to best practices, and a continuous improvement approach to our security posture.

3. Organizational Security

Roles and Responsibilities:  

- Chief Technology Officer (CTO): Oversees the company's information security program.

- Engineering Team: Implements security measures, monitors security systems, and responds to security incidents.

- Employees: Responsible for adhering to the security policy and procedures.

Security Training and Awareness:  

All employees are required to partake in occasional info security meetings to understand how information is secured and how it should be handled.

4. Physical Security

Access Controls:  

Our office space at 100 Liberty St, Toronto is monitored 24/7 by CCTV and on-site security. Doors require personalized keycards.  Access to sensitive infrastructure is restricted to authorized personnel only, controlled by strict security policies. On-site IT oversees network security 24/7. 


All sensitive areas are monitored through user action logging alerts.

5. Network Security

Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems:  

All major infrastructure is hosted through Google Cloud and benefits from its state-of-the-art security products, read more here:

Secure Configuration:  

All infrastructure is configured following industry best practices, with strong password policies and regular security patching.


Data in transit and at rest is encrypted using AES-256 encryption standards.

6. Access Control

Internal User Authentication and Authorization:  

Two-factor authentication and role-based access control are enforced for all system access. All passwords are required to be a minimum of 20 characters and be generated automatically by the password manager.

Customer Authentication and Authorization:

Passwordless login is required for all users to help maintain a high security level that is tied to their pre-existing email authorization security. Currently, two access levels of “admin” and “basic” are provided to help provide controls to edit and manage the content of lower level users.

Account Management:  

The IT department manages user accounts, ensuring timely provisioning and deprovisioning of access rights.

7. Data Protection

Data Classification:  

Data is classified into four categories: Public, Internal Use, and Confidential, with specific handling requirements for each.

Data Handling and Storage:  

Data is stored in Google Cloud in secure, encrypted databases and file systems, with access limited based on data classification.

Payment Information Handling:

All payment related data is stored and handled by our third party vendor, Stripe. Their security policy can be accessed here:

8. Incident Response and Recovery

Incident Response Plan:  

An internal incident response plan is available upon request from the engineering team.

Disaster Recovery:  

Critical data is backed up daily, with backups stored in a separate cloud instance.

9. Compliance and Audits

Regulatory Compliance:  

Phil complies with GDPR and other relevant data protection regulations.

Audits and Assessments:  

Annual internal security audits are conducted to ensure compliance and identify areas for improvement.

10. Policy Review and Update

Review Cycle:  

This security policy is reviewed and updated annually or in response to significant changes in the threat landscape or business operations.

Change Management:  

Changes to the security policy are reviewed by the Engineering team and approved by the CTO.

11. Acknowledgment of Receipt and Understanding


All employees, contractors, and third-party providers must sign an acknowledgment form confirming that they have received, read, and understood the Get Phil Inc. Security Policy.

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