When in the load tracking feature of the app, you will see a download button on each screen. By clicking this button, you can easily request access to a spreadsheet for each site.
Requesting a report
You can request a report from the Load tracking, Site or Haul screen:
Press the Download icon at the top right, this will load the request screen:
Choose the date range you would like for the report.
Select one or more sites that you would like to include in the report. Selecting multiple sites will result in downloading multiple .xlsx spreadsheet files in a .zip
Press Request report. You will receive an email with the reports.
How long will it take to receive my report(s)? - If you have selected multiple sites it may take up to 5 minutes for the email to arrive.
The Report file
The spreadsheet you recieve can be opened in all popular spreadsheet applications like Excel, or Google Sheets. Each file is named to match your site name, and is broken up into 3 tabs:
Overview tab: This tab shows the high level detail for your site based on the date range you chose. Total number of import and export hauls, and their corresponding totals.
BOL Report tab: This tab shows all of your Bills of Lading sorted by date by default. This is all the required information that would need to be tracked by your municipality. You can change the sort order of this tab however you like.
Haulage Report: This is a basic view of each haulage company's activity on this site for your chosen time period. This is useful for calculating Accounts Payable, we're going to add much more detail to this tab in the future including tracking haulage fees.