Creating an account

2 min. readlast update: 11.20.2023

Before you can use the Marketplace or Load Tracking, you need a free account. Hate reading? You can watch this getting started video:

Creating an account:

  1. Visit or install the app from the app store. Download: iPhone or Android
  2. Click on "Profile" and enter in your work email address.
  3. You will receive a sign in link in your email inbox. (didn't get an email? see below)
  4. Once you receive the email, click on the "Sign In" link
  5. Once you are signed in successfully - you will see one of two screens
📧 Help! I'm not getting my login email. - Was your address misspelled? Try checking your junk or spam folder or press the resend email button. If you have a sensitive spam filter ask your IT person to whitelist the domain If you are still not receiving your email, please reach out to us with the chat button in the bottom right. Make sure you are requesting the link on the same device you are trying to sign in on.

Creating a new company

If you're the first person at your company to sign up you will need to fill out some basic company info, please try to be accurate for the best experience possible. Because you are the first user you're the Admin, you can easily invite someone else to be admin.


After you finish this screen you will be ready to use the app. You are now the first admin at your new company, congrats!

Joining an existing company

If you open your email link and see this screen it means you're joining a company that already has a Phil account. You can join an existing group at the company or create a new group. 

NOTE: You will not be able to manage listings or track loads outside of your group. We will add better support for this in the future. It may be best for you to just make one large group of users.

Switching companies or groups

If you were invited to join a company or group, but you're already a member of a different company or group, you will need to switch. In the future we will support the ability to join multiple companies.


Congrats! You're ready to use the Marketplace or Load Tracking

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